• 2 May 2023 9:55 PM | Anonymous

    NVCOG recently hosted the Environmental Sustainability Forum on Invasive Species Management. 

    A recording of the event is available here:

    Slideshows, handouts, and additional resources mentioned by our presenters are available here:

    Finally, here is the contact info for each of the presenters:

  • 2 May 2023 9:50 PM | Anonymous

    Under the Inflation Reduction Act, the Urban and Community Forestry Program received a historic $1.5 billion to support urban tree-planting, urban forest planning and management, and related activities, particularly in disadvantaged communities. You can find the complete Notice of Funding Opportunity can be found here.

    Deadline for applications is June 1. 

  • 22 Sep 2021 8:15 PM | Anonymous

    The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP) is pleased to announce three upcoming urban forestry grant opportunities. Award amounts, types of projects funded, and deadlines vary; see Urban Forestry Grant Opportunities ( for a full overview.


    • The Urban Forestry Climate Change Grant Program awards grants from $10,000-$37,000. These grants can be used to initiate, grow, support, and expand activities by municipalities and non-profits that use urban forestry to address issues of environmental justice and combat the impacts of climate change. Visit Urban Forestry Climate Change Grants Program – Connecticut Urban Forest Council for additional details and information.
    • The Urban Forestry Equity through Capacity Building Grant Program is designed to assist municipalities and non-profits interested in pursuing urban forestry projects while also building capacity within their organization. Awards range from $5,000-$10,000 and can fund projects that will address issues of environmental justice and combat the impacts of climate change. See Urban Forestry Equity through Capacity building Grant Program – CT DEEP/University of Connecticut for additional details and information.
    • The America the Beautiful Grant Program offers $1,000-$20,000 in funding for municipalities and non-profits to pursue planning projects in urban forestry. See America the Beautiful Grant Program – CT DEEP for additional details and information.


    Please spread the word about these exciting opportunities! Reach out to Danica Doroski, with any questions.

  • 18 Feb 2021 9:55 AM | Anonymous

    The Connecticut Urban Forest Council is not soliciting proposals for the small grant program. Proposals are due March 15, 2021. Please read below for details.

    Community Forestry Small Grants Program

    The Connecticut Urban Forest Council, Inc. (CUFC) is a statewide non-profit organization composed of representatives from Connecticut environmental organizations, state agencies, universities, research institutions, corporations, professional and volunteer tree groups.  Its purpose is to provide advice, assistance, education, information, and support to those interested in urban and community forestry.  Our small grants program in 2021 will help existing organizations and municipalities address issues related to urban forest health.  We expect to award 4 grants of up to $1,500.  Please note that a similar program with larger grants focusing on planning/execution of urban forestry projects addressing mitigation of global climate change impacts on underserved urban neighborhoods, supported by state funds, will be announced later in 2021.

    Priorities include (1) teaching about urban forestry and the tools used to manage urban trees and forests, and (2) increasing public awareness of opportunities to protect urban forestland and urban trees, emphasizing public benefits.  Examples of grant subjects include tree planting, efforts to protect existing trees, development and distribution of plant stewardship material, implementation of an event that engages students with the outdoors, the investment in a door-to-door campaign to raise awareness and participation in storm recovery efforts or environmental restoration activities, or training of community stewards to monitor tree health in their neighborhoods or nearby parks, etc...

    Grants to nonprofit organizations will be awarded to projects that directly benefit educational goals related to urban forests in Connecticut.  Projects that serve neighborhoods or areas with low tree canopy coverage and limited resources, and/or that utilize partnerships to amplify the project's impacts are strongly encouraged.  Please consider the scoring sheet in the Appendix when submitting a proposal, and keep in mind CoVID-19 health restrictions in plans for conducting your activities.

    Grant administration and requirements

    • ·        Funds from awarded grants are usually paid upon submission of invoices to the CUFC.  Partial need-based funding prior to obtaining receipts may be requested of the CUFC.
    • ·        Grant requests may not exceed $1,500
    • ·        Applicants must be able to commit to a 50% match, which can consist of funds from other donors or in-kind contributions (such as volunteer hours of labor).
    • ·        Applications must be submitted by inserting text in required sections marked by an asterisk (*) within this document.  The completed document, along with accompanying files, may be sent directly via e-mail to 
    • ·        Any printed materials produced by the grantee must acknowledge the U.S. Forest Service for having provided support.

    Grant administration and requirements (continued)

    • ·        Successful applicants must agree to submit a narrative report on the status of the project and how the funds were used within 1 year of being awarded a grant.
    • ·        Successful projects will be announced on March 31, 2021.
    • ·        Submission deadline: Proposals must be submitted with this form no later than 4:30 p.m. on March 15, 2021.

  • 14 Jan 2021 9:56 AM | Anonymous

    On January 13, 2021, the PURA final decision was released regarding what a utility is allowed to do in cases where a tree part is in direct contact with utility lines. The decision also contains orders on changes to each utilities vegetative management practices related to customer relations. The full document can be viewed here.

  • 17 Dec 2020 12:07 PM | Anonymous

    Letter from the President

    2020 has been a year of change and challenge for everyone, and this includes the Tree Wardens Association of Connecticut. With COVID-19 on a rampage since March, we have changed our way of life by sheltering from others and making a norm of cleanliness. We have all become accustomed to wearing masks to protect ourselves and others from the virus spread through airborne transmission. The way business was conducted needed to change so that everyone could maintain a safe distance from others. All this, and yet the Tree Wardens Association maintained our working presence and fulfilled our goal of continuing to educate our members. This year we need to give credit to Annie Mixsell and Bob Ricard for keeping the Tree Wardens School operating virtually and being creative with their in-person sessions. A special thanks to Dr. Claire Rutledge and Dr. Yonghao Li from the Agricultural Experiment Station, and Dr. Beth Brantley from Bartlett, for assisting this year and lending their expertise in the classroom. Without all of their effort, the school program would not have happened.

    The Board of Directors kept extra busy during the year by developing the lunch and learn workshops, maintaining the operating budget, and planning our future. All of this was done through Zoom meetings and phone calls. We were all disappointed this year that COVID-19 prevented us from conducting our annual meeting and dinner at J. Timothy’s as planned. Even though, we are optimistic that if things go well, we will have the opportunity to try again in the upcoming summer months. I do believe that some of the changes in the way business and meetings are conducted in the future may become permanent. On a positive note, there have been opportunities to save money and time, and we’ll have to see what changes the New Year brings. But let’s hope that as we progress, we don’t lose the personal connections that we share within the Association and with the other groups within the tree industry. These connections form the relationships and friendships that should last a lifetime. I am hoping that the New Year presents a healthy and happy new beginning for everyone and we will continue to work to have a productive year for the Tree Wardens Association of Connecticut.

    Kevin J. Kelly


    Tree Wardens Association of CT

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