TWAC hosts a variety of educational and professional programs throughout the year. Please read through below for more information on Tree Warden School, Workshops, and Continuing Education. 




Each fall, the Tree Wardens' Association of Connecticut conducts the Tree Warden School.  This seven week course located in New Haven is held on Thursday mornings from 8:30-12:00 (dates and location subject to change from year to year). Attendance is required at 6 of the 7 classes and a passing grade of 70% on the final exam. Tree Wardens and Deputy Tree Wardens are given top priority on open spaces for the next session, but anyone is welcome to apply to Tree Warden School. The schedule is updated in the spring. Any questions regarding Tree Warden School should be directed to the office.

 $425 Members /  $475 Non-Members

The TWAC holds two educational workshops per year; once in the spring and once in the fall. The locations of these workshops are rotated around the state. Continuing Education Credits for Tree Wardens and other professions are always offered. Be sure to check out the Events page for upcoming workshops. Events are open to members and the public.

Webinars and Lunch and Learn Series are offered a few times per year during the lunch hour. The locations will rotate throughout the state, providing for regional networking and easy access, as well as virtual.  These free or low-cost workshops are complementary and supplementary to the larger workshops offered in spring and fall. The Meet n' Greet events are arranged by county and intended for regional networking. 

Tree Wardens- would you like to sponsor an event in your town? Please contact us to set this up!


This is a ongoing program that started January 1, 2016 and replaced the previous "Certified Tree Warden Program". 

Individuals who have successfully completed the TWAC Tree Warden School or are a CT Licensed Arborist are eligible to voluntarily sign up at any time and become and Advanced Certified Tree Warden. 

The registration fee for the program is $50.00. 

Upon receipt of the application and payment, individuals may start obtaining CEUs. A registration card including name, address, registration number, expiration date and instructions will be sent to you. Credits will not be applied to educational programs completed before registration as an Advanced Certified Tree Warden. 

Class and Program Credit Hours

  • 1.0 credit hour will be assigned for each hour of an approved Tree Warden Association sponsored class or workshop.
  • 1.0 credit hour will be assigned for each hour of a non-TWA sponsored class or workshop. These will need to be approval by the committee. To determine credit hour approvals contact Bruce Villwock at 860-682-3565 cell or 860-349-3853 home.
  • Time will be counted for actual educational lecture or activity and not breaks, lunch, dinners, etc.


Prior to your expiration date for each class or program attended a Continuing Education Credit Attendance Form is required. Along with the form appropriate supporting materials (such as registration forms, program outline, receipt of attendance) will need to be attached and sent to the TWAC. The Continuing Education Credit Attendance Forms including support materials will be accepted October 1st thru December 31st of your assigned expiration date prior to renewal. Please do not send in CEU Attendance Forms until your renewal period begins. When youR renewal period begins, mail your $50 payment with you CEU forms to:

TWAC, PO Box 602, Wallingford, CT 06492. 

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