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Gadgets page

This page shows theme-specific content. Here, we have inserted gadgets that use different theme-specific styles. Throughout the page, we have placed multi-column layouts into which the gadgets have been inserted. Using layouts, you can create complex and interesting page designs.

Check out our cool gadgets

  • Featured member gadget
  • Recent blog posts gadget
  • Forum updates gadget
  • Upcoming events gadget
  • Subscription gadget
  • Social profile gadget
  • Slideshow gadget
  • Donation goal gadget
  • and many more....
Check them out!!!

Content gadget

This is a heading.

Within this content gadget, we have text formatted using different text styles. The heading, for example, uses the Heading 3 style. The title at the top of this gadget appears because we entered a gadget title within the gadget settings.

The colors used for the foreground and background of the title area and the content area can be controlled by selecting a gadget style. The link below appears as a button. You can choose from a number of button styles when creating the link.

Sample link

Featured member gadget

Using this gadget, you can highlight your sponsors or partners, display your board of directors, or shine the spotlight on your volunteers or latest new members. The featured member gadget displays information about a specified number of members, drawn randomly from a saved search or from selected membership levels.

Within its settings, you can specify a gadget title, choose the layout and style of the gadget, and select up to 3 fields to display for each member.

Featured member

Even more gadgets

The gadget on the right is an upcoming events gadget. On the left is a featured member gadget. You can change their appearance using the gadget settings. All three gadgets have been inserted into a three-column layout.

The button below is a link with a button style that can lead to another page on this or any other site.


Upcoming events

  • No upcoming events

Add some styles

Below are gadgets that use different gadget styles. You can colorize each of three custom gadget styles from the Colors and Styles screen. You can set the background color or image for the title bar and context area, and change the color and font of the title and base text within the gadget.

The gadgets below have been placed in a three-column layout. The gadgets were dragged and dropped into the layout cells.

Upcoming events

  • No upcoming events

Recent forum updates

Want to know how to customize this theme?   Click here

Want to get social? Here are some social gadgets for you to work with:

Recent forum updates

Social profile

Sharing buttons

And.... add a pinch of dynamic content

Slideshow gadgets are typically used in the header area or at the top of the page, but we added it here just to reward people who scroll this far :)

Two columns layout

This content gadget and the gadgets to the right appear in a two-column layout. For each layout, you can set a background color or image, and control column spacing and margins.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.

Custom menu gadget


These gadgets have been placed in a 4-column layout. For each gadget, a background color was selected, and the gadget style was set to None.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod.

These gadgets have been placed in a 4-column layout. For each gadget, a background color was selected, and the gadget style was set to None.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod.

These gadgets have been placed in a 4-column layout. For each gadget, a background color was selected, and the gadget style was set to None.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod.

These gadgets have been placed in a 4-column layout. For each gadget, a background color was selected, and the gadget style was set to None.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod.

You can add navigation links to frequently accessed pages, or insert copyright and contact information so visitors can get in touch with you.

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